Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn Seasoning Homemade

Work on Your Marriage Breaking the Chains

'no matter ... what I say ... I'm bankrupt without love. " - 1 Corinthians 13:3

William Bennett, former Secretary of Education, United States, went to a wedding where the bride and groom took their vows to stay together only 'As long as love shall last'.

Bennett said: 'I sent them paper plates as a wedding present. " If you want to build a great marriage, you need to focus on doing these four things:

1) Take responsibility for your own happiness . Blaming the partner you never have to face yourself honestly or change your own behavior. This is evading the problem! Relationships are not disposal sites. Happiness is an inside job, it is the fruit of a healthy self-esteem and a growing relationship with God.

2) Be a friend . Have you noticed how easily we accept as our friends they are, but have trouble doing this with the person you're married? Care, familiarity breeds contempt! Does your partner does not deserve at least the same respect, the same loyalty and appreciation than others?

3) they have a common goal . You always need to have something to plan and work together. Doing so will enrich your relationship and lead to higher levels. So what is next for you?

4) Have courage. Dr. Theodore Rubin said: "The problem is not that there are problems, but expect the contrary: it is thinking that having problems is What is the problem! ". There

perfect situations in life. You need courage to face whatever comes to understand that can survive what can not solve and that can love beyond this problem. So work on your marriage today!



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