You've gone through some experience that changed you? Something you experienced and which somehow managed as a palm tree survive? Something that would prevent things to be back as before?
Millions of women suffer continuously spiritual tension. Maybe you're the one who suffers. Maybe you sit there quietly and imagine if for you, life will ever be normal. Perhaps you feel that your circumstances have made it different from other women. Possibly, you feel as if estivese alone with no one to help her find a cure.
Perhaps their emotional tension comes from the fact that you have been abused. Others took advantage of you and took the most dreadful way. You feel used and dirty. And you can think: How could anyone want a woman who was abused? However, you are dear. God loves you.
But God has already determined its necessity. He sees their pain and guilt. He knew that you would need someone to reach and lift. Realized that you had to know how important you are. It is impossible to know everything that was in God's mind when he looked at the broken humanity, but we can be sure that he looked beyond our broken hearts, our painful stories and our tendency to sin.
God met that need through Jesus Christ. He paid for his shame and paved the way for you to get clean again. He saw his desire to please others and feel good. When you accept Jeush becomes clear. And do not think you're alone - everyone faces the same struggles you face, showing that exteriomente or not.
God recognizes the possibility of what you can become. He has a plan and sees their potential. However, he also knows that his potential was trapped by its history. His sufferings have transformed it into a different woman from what the Lord originally had the intention that you were.
However, God in you know a Sarah, a woman by the stream, a Ruth. He knows that, hidden in his heart, there is a great woman who can do exploits in his name. And he wants this woman to be freed. The Lord wants the potential in you to be released so that you become the person he created it to be.
There is only one way to achieve your potential. He is calling you. God spiritually stimulate your heart and let you see that it moves in your life, if you answer their call.
power to liberate you in your faith. Dare to believe God will do what it said it would. Trust him, not yourself. Anyone who approaches Christ find freedom and healing. He will heal your wounds. Comfort you ~ and in his moments of despair. He will raise it.
Believe that He paid the price for your sin and guilt. Believe that He washed it and you have been purified. Believe that He will satisfy all your needs. Have faith that when the call, he will reward him and that his victory will come.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Jeush straighten the crooked places of her heart and become whole. When you allow him full access to all areas of your life, you will never again be such a broken person.
May the Lord bless each of you, restoring every corner of the soul, each one showing the value it has! With much affection, here are my hug!
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