Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Knee Length Whites Graduation Dresses


This is the wonderful message of Christ to you today: "Here I am with you alway, even unto the end of the century." (Matt. 28:20).

This is a very important lesson for you today as it was for the disciples in the first century. After the crucifixion, they felt overwhelmed by a sense of loss. Christ lamented missing. The Christ who came to them, who had lived with them, they had loved, was gone. He seemed to have vanished from his life, his ministry, his future. They were alone. Christ was gone.

Suddenly, the Resurrection has brought an incredible message that Christ had not gone away. Mary wept at the tomb, but suddenly found that Christ was with her in his sadness, and this turned into comfort and joy. It absolutely transformed the disciples.

My question is: YOU LIVE TODAY AS IF THE RESURRECTION had not occurred?

You think, live, serve and even now as if Christ is missing? The great reality of the resurrection is that Christ, though invisible, is always present. You may not have awareness of their presence, but the truth is that He is always with you. Is always present, always available. You never alone. Do not worry about the resources at his disposal, for He is with you.

Christ is always with him as a loving person. Always at his side, always ready to have fellowship with you. He's always looking, always listening, always cares about you. Currently more lonely in the trial more difficult, the more responsibility in their innermost joys, disappointments in their deeper - He is always with you.

Christ is with you in all your power resurrected. He is with you, triumphing over Satan, sin, temptation. You may be totally inadequate, but the One who is Good with you. He speaks simply and instantly thousands of angels hastened to obey and serve you because of the risen Christ.

The message of the resurrection is the Lord Almighty is with you. It is not necessary that you have strength in itself, for He is with you. Walk toward the future with humility, but with his head held high. Although you will face the lions' den, God is with you.

Courage friend! Walk toward the future singing praises to God! Make the Easter message is your song every day - He lives, He is with you. Let the joy of Easter be your strength daily.

May the Christ of Easter today speaks to your heart: "I am with you EVERY DAY!" . Rejoice in the joy of Easter, believe with faith victorious, proceed with the testimony of the glorious Easter: HE LIVES! Believe, live, proclaim it!


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