Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Interesting Facts About The Number 11

only O ... without sound loses half the fun. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Clean Leather Boat Seats

Women, a private garden!

"A Woman is a fertile field." Like the application of the author TDJakes comparing women with a garden. I totally agree. Depending on our plantation .. can sow good or bad.

The woman is truly a garden of love and a potential field to be planted with cuidado.Ela is as vulnerable as the newly tilled soil.

notice the girls: "Be careful what you plant in your garden."

Or rather, be careful who allows sow in your garden. There are things that not want to see planted in your heart and your life.

The Bible teaches us that words are like seeds, when pronounced, producing frutos.Esse why preaching is so poderosa.Ela is word, and seeding.

You're a garden, but only time will tell what the harvest will produce. If you do not like what is growing, look at what was semeado.O a man soweth, that too will reap.

How does your garden grow in truth?

seeds in your life and make it grow. If you want to change what is growing, changing needs and what is being planted, or at least who is doing the planting!

Protect your soil seed corrupt. Many women continue to suffer because of inappropriate words.

And dangerous to allow people to pour their ailments in their field.

Examine your life and start the outros.Substitua bush planted it by the words of God, because it planted in the fertile soil of an open heart, kills the seeds of negativity that is in you. Ha

things must be willing to eliminate. Words of hate and anger produce fruit of bitterness and distrust. Remove them.
At some point in their life, someone said that heavy stuff stayed in his espirito.Va the word of God. You need to have conditions and go on to greater things in your life.

Must be the garden that feeds the world and feed her soul.
By nature, we are not "good land", but the sight of God goes beyond our toughness, and he sees the potential of our soul.
The decision about the person or thing that predominate in the garden of our life depended on ourselves. It is not God who chooses, our friends, our readings, pleasures, music ... We are us. The question is?
I will allow the Master's footsteps enrich the land of my soul? Or will they prefer
the ways of the world will harden my heart?

a good orchard or garden, there can be no points there are still rocks. The land needs to clean this, because the soil has to produce fruit.
The Lord wants to take care of you, your private garden - give yourself to Him completely.

The Lord wants to take these plants with no life inside you and wants to put the seed of peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, self .. fruits of the Holy Spirit.

let you grow in Christ! And he who renews and recreates us. He praised the farmer and who holds a deep work in our lives to produce in us the fruits of their own character.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Knee Length Whites Graduation Dresses


This is the wonderful message of Christ to you today: "Here I am with you alway, even unto the end of the century." (Matt. 28:20).

This is a very important lesson for you today as it was for the disciples in the first century. After the crucifixion, they felt overwhelmed by a sense of loss. Christ lamented missing. The Christ who came to them, who had lived with them, they had loved, was gone. He seemed to have vanished from his life, his ministry, his future. They were alone. Christ was gone.

Suddenly, the Resurrection has brought an incredible message that Christ had not gone away. Mary wept at the tomb, but suddenly found that Christ was with her in his sadness, and this turned into comfort and joy. It absolutely transformed the disciples.

My question is: YOU LIVE TODAY AS IF THE RESURRECTION had not occurred?

You think, live, serve and even now as if Christ is missing? The great reality of the resurrection is that Christ, though invisible, is always present. You may not have awareness of their presence, but the truth is that He is always with you. Is always present, always available. You never alone. Do not worry about the resources at his disposal, for He is with you.

Christ is always with him as a loving person. Always at his side, always ready to have fellowship with you. He's always looking, always listening, always cares about you. Currently more lonely in the trial more difficult, the more responsibility in their innermost joys, disappointments in their deeper - He is always with you.

Christ is with you in all your power resurrected. He is with you, triumphing over Satan, sin, temptation. You may be totally inadequate, but the One who is Good with you. He speaks simply and instantly thousands of angels hastened to obey and serve you because of the risen Christ.

The message of the resurrection is the Lord Almighty is with you. It is not necessary that you have strength in itself, for He is with you. Walk toward the future with humility, but with his head held high. Although you will face the lions' den, God is with you.

Courage friend! Walk toward the future singing praises to God! Make the Easter message is your song every day - He lives, He is with you. Let the joy of Easter be your strength daily.

May the Christ of Easter today speaks to your heart: "I am with you EVERY DAY!" . Rejoice in the joy of Easter, believe with faith victorious, proceed with the testimony of the glorious Easter: HE LIVES! Believe, live, proclaim it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Free Latest Baitbus Episodes

TPM - Try Making More

know those days when PMS hits you at all? Those you have to wake up without a bag yourself? Looong these days ... endless. And we always end up looking a compensation for this anguish all - without a link, let us say in passing. It is in these days of zero tolerance that we are spoiling, noticed? Chocolate? Shoes? Ice cream? Which of these tricks work for you?
How good lion, of course, my treat was to be raised to the fifth power, "Candy?" No, thanks. I want is a mirror-faced dressing-room worthy of a movie star. And as I'm not patience, I want to type ... so that means now, without spending money. Can you be? ". Ra. That there is asked to make to yourself well in your PMS? Boycott the polecats ...

But desire is desire ... and willing to TPM is not played, everyone knows - who did not know is no longer here with us to tell his version of events. With you, my makeshift dressing room mirror. :)

Hmm .. I know not ... I want more woman, more cuti-cuti, more "vanity of a dancer." Where is that tava mirror behind the door? And if he is to the desk? Ah ... yes now! My dresser weekend, to get me the most with a rustle in those days when even his shadow is insensitive to you.

Yes, this is a beacon of VW. Prettiness that panned a ride Monday through Saturday from Praça XV. I had to bring home two. To enlighten? Continuation of the mirror turn signals, amontoadinhas, inside the lighthouse.

.: Update:.

came well ask me where I bought these different flashers. Elementary, my dear ... "Buy" is a verb that is off the radar this month of property taxes. :)
Remember the vice of flashers ? This is a problem at all, I'm beginning to recognize ... but is that an idea leads to another, which leads to another ...
So without further ado, here has nothing but grape plastic + flashes (white this time) and hot glue. O only:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Camel Toes Of Female Athletes

The Lesson of the Bamboo

One day I decided to give me a loser, resigned my job, to my relationships, and my faith. I decided to give up my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God," I said, "you could give me one good reason I will not give in?"

His answer surprised me: "Look around. Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes, I see," I replied.

"Well. When I sowed the ferns and bamboo, nursed them very well. Do not let them miss the light and water. The fern quickly grew, his brilliant green covered the floor. But Seed Bamboo nothing came out. Nevertheless, I do not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the fern grew more brilliant and lush. And again, the seed of the bamboo, nothing appeared. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the third year in the quarter, the same thing ... But I did not quit. But ... in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Apparently, compared with the fern, was very small, even insignificant. Six months later the bamboo rose more than 50 feet tall. He stayed five years sinking roots. Those roots made it strong and gave him the necessary to survive. In none of my creatures I would challenge that they could not overcome. "And looking

well in my heart, said: "You know that during all that time struggling to come, in fact were putting down roots" I never give up the bamboo. Never give you up. Do not go comparing yourself with others. Bamboo is designed for a different purpose fern, but both were needed to make the forest a beautiful place. "

"Your time will come," he told me God. "Growing up too!"

"How much do I grow?" I asked.

"As high as the bamboo," was the reply.

And I figured: "As high as you can!"

A writer named Covey wrote: "Many things in life and work are equal to Chinese bamboo. You work, invest time, effort, do everything you can to nurture their growth and sometimes do not see anything for weeks, months or years. But if you have the patience to keep working, enduring and nurturing, its fifth year and will come with it will come growth and changes that you never expected. "

Bamboo Chinese
teaches us that we should not easily give up our projects and our dreams ... We must always remember the Chinese bamboo do not give up easily to the face of difficulties that arise. Look always cultivate good habits in their two lives: the persistence and patience, because you deserve to reach all your dreams! It takes a lot of fiber to reach the heights and at the same time, a lot of flexibility to bend to the ground. Never repent of one day of your life. Good days give you happiness. The ill give you experience. Both are essential for life. Happiness makes you sweet.

problems keep you strong. The feathers keep you human. The Falls keep you humble. The success keeps you glowing.

But only God keeps you going ...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Letter To Disconnect Telephone Nos.


Shortly after Christmas, there's a Chinese lordy Sahara offered me a flasher almost free. "It cost tleze loyal. Pla girl, $ 2.50" - He said, trying to get rid of inventory. It all happened very fast. When I found myself, already had the flash in the bag and three stores later, looking for ideas to decorate it. I came home with my ball of straw to make a wink to the kitchen, remember that ?

The production process lasted approximately two hours. And it was two hours of intense joy and sense of well being. A week later, I miss that feeling of euphoria that only feel when you're riding their own flashes, you know? Do not think twice and returned there in the Chinese gentleman:
- Hi Mê sees 3 more lights, please?
- Flashes? Not anymore.
- Ahn? How so? Finished?
- Yes, only in Agola plóximo Christmas.

roamed the Sahara, still bewildered, looking for someone who could sell me a wink. Went from store to store asking and responding was the same: only at Christmas. When I was almost giving up, fate placed in front of a store with a very poorly built and flashers on sale for $ 6. Do what, right? When you need, you pay whatever price is! I took home 4.
Once you experience the feeling of making his flashing decorated t udo around you becomes a potential object to be embedded into whose said. Blossom, pellets, straw, hair ornaments ... I look for a junk and keep thinking: "Um, would fit?". Until toast Kinder has been considered.

When I found myself, I was already doing flashers to give away to friends, just by feel, you know? And woe to those who questioned about my addiction. Addiction?! What addiction? That's craft! It's art! Is creativity being put into practice! What's more, I stop whenever you want. I eh ... vice ... give me a wink, go!
Relatives tried to do an intervention. The boyfriend has an idea for a small table, his mother left a bag of scraps in front of my house, the aunt gave clay beads and ink. Everything that I divert attention from the lights. And is not that work? The blog went on, with other relatively ideas and other projects. Family support is important at these times, right?

I had already promised it would not make any more flashes. I was there 62 days without touching a living one day at a time. But then I come across a bunch of grapes lying. And if you pluck the grape of the bunch, what remains? These green pellets almost transparent around the bottom, that come with a hole to fit knows where? Yeah.

Lives Cam:inurl:/view.shtml


I had the pleasure of the Seminar on "Chaplaincy Service Post-disaster: Ministry of Relief for victims of disaster , the Civil Defense of Rio de Janeiro. Course given by Lt-Col Marcello Silva (Christian), where I was very built up and opened my eyes to the needs of many people and how I can help them in these terrible moments.

Chaplaincy is a service of spiritual assistance. Chaplaincy is to bring faith, hope and love (1 Cor 13:13).

Yesterday I had another course at the Civil Defense for the leaders, "Command and Leadership Course at the Service of Humanitarian Assistance." Speechless .. Blessed ..

Dear friend, when we participate in such courses, we evaluate how we do nothing .. just how many people need a hug, a tender look, a solace, a support, a shoulder, and often even eventually realized, we direct.

When you are blessed, their priority is to be a blessing to someone else. When you are healed, their priority is to be a healing influence to others. When you receive God's love, his priority is to express love to those who need this divine love. You need not ask God to send to Haiti or Africa. Get exactly where you are now. Convey the Gospel to the members of your family, your neighbors, your community, your city. The fact that you are a woman will not be hurdle, unless you allow so. I encourage it as a woman to choose to be whatever God wants you to be. The Harvest is great. The possibilities are limitless. God needs you. You're the only one of its kind. You are important. Nobody else can do the task He has for you.


In your world. What is your world? And the world around them. Each of us has the power to create around them the kind of world we want. With our words, actions and attitudes. With them, influence people in our world. And so we take people around us to grow to be what God wants them to be. You feel sometimes that still is not ready for the work by hand and do the things God has in mind for you?

My advice is - GET .

As the writer Daisy washburn, "You learned through teaching, you won through to contribute. You reap through seeding. You grow through sharing. " This and the formula of God for our success. We grow with God as we grow with people. We live with God as we live with people. I encourage it as a woman to choose to be whatever God wants you to be. WHEN? NOW. never heard so many need to address and resolve many problems as hoje.Muitas people need your help, word, comfort. The workers are few. God needs you. You and important. Nobody else can do the task He has for you. Decide to start today. Where should you start? In the world where you have influence. When? Now. Because your world needs you. Come book your generation!
Would you like to be a chapel?
Then check out the CAFEB (Chaplaincy federal Brazilian and International), where I have the pleasure of being part of that army of Samaritans.

Visit the blog, www.cafebicapelania.blogspot.com and know more about chaplaincy and come to the course with the CAFEB.

Watch Firls Gone Wild Free

Word For Friends of the Blog!

First I want to thank all who visit the blog, the new followers and new friends, I thank the Lord for each one of you! Thanks!


HOW? So to know what news is on the blog, simply register: Enter your email in "The Blog in your E-mail" side of the blog and follow the steps requested. After you receive an email confirmation with instructions to validate the registration. (All steps are very easy, and crucial to complete your registration.) Upon confirmation, just wait for the news and come running them check it on the blog.

I leave a big kiss her friend Andrea, blog, http://andressavalladares.blogspot.com/ for the beautiful tribute .. thanks honey!

Some friends, make calls .. but they forget to leave your email .. So I am unable to answer.

am grateful to have the great privilege through this site, able to spread your precious pearls in the world. Get my hug and full of thanks ...
With tenderness in the peace of Christ!

"There are people who seem to have come straight from heaven,
Having come straight from God to us.
There are people that are made of love,
has the touch to calm the pain.
has the gift of finding the perfect knack of speaking What we need to listen, to change. And sure are friends of God! And sure
are anointed of God!
And make the earth a better place.
Do we ever feel alone! "

Adriana Rangel

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Milena Velba - Radio Station Pt 1

Colored Tiles

The video again .... :)
Ahn? If you have step by step? Of course! Okay here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sour Cream And Onion Popcorn Seasoning Homemade

Work on Your Marriage Breaking the Chains

'no matter ... what I say ... I'm bankrupt without love. " - 1 Corinthians 13:3

William Bennett, former Secretary of Education, United States, went to a wedding where the bride and groom took their vows to stay together only 'As long as love shall last'.

Bennett said: 'I sent them paper plates as a wedding present. " If you want to build a great marriage, you need to focus on doing these four things:

1) Take responsibility for your own happiness . Blaming the partner you never have to face yourself honestly or change your own behavior. This is evading the problem! Relationships are not disposal sites. Happiness is an inside job, it is the fruit of a healthy self-esteem and a growing relationship with God.

2) Be a friend . Have you noticed how easily we accept as our friends they are, but have trouble doing this with the person you're married? Care, familiarity breeds contempt! Does your partner does not deserve at least the same respect, the same loyalty and appreciation than others?

3) they have a common goal . You always need to have something to plan and work together. Doing so will enrich your relationship and lead to higher levels. So what is next for you?

4) Have courage. Dr. Theodore Rubin said: "The problem is not that there are problems, but expect the contrary: it is thinking that having problems is What is the problem! ". There

perfect situations in life. You need courage to face whatever comes to understand that can survive what can not solve and that can love beyond this problem. So work on your marriage today!


Mountains On Pianobiffy Clyro


The call came in second. The furniture came on Tuesday. Oh, and to get ready on Thursday morning. Got to tell you also that I work from 9 to 19h and the agency would only have the two nights after work for that? Run? Ô ... But for someone who is amused by this sort of thing, like me, it was just two nights normal, making a projetinho or another, only with the fast foward button tight [>>]
The clock was feared object. The race against time has caused me to avoid even see the hour, getting away from the shock: "What? There are already all that? ?. And just to remind: in addition time of the painting, would have to provide a drying time ...
I'm rolling, right? He knew that one day you would notice. But it's what I'm giving back to tell all that I could not do the walkthrough of the furniture that were raised there are two posts ago. There, I said! I had to run both, but so much that I could not stop to photograph each step.
But hey what? Who really wanted to know the step by step to do the same, will not mind reading a huge text, is not it? After all, the lack of pictures, the words will need to do all the work. And if you want both know the details, because you have a mobile terminal in a state there to save, right?
So, following this reasoning, step by step this time it will be like: explained tim-tim by tim-tim, a long text in small print. Boring, colorless, and the most detailed, like a medicine bottle. If you are needing to know much healing, you'll read every little thing and it will save a life. Not yours, but your mobile.
To print your leaflet and save, click the image below it opens in A4 size for you to print to the same house.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Husband For Sale Middle East

You've gone through some experience that changed you? Something you experienced and which somehow managed as a palm tree survive? Something that would prevent things to be back as before?

Millions of women suffer continuously spiritual tension. Maybe you're the one who suffers. Maybe you sit there quietly and imagine if for you, life will ever be normal. Perhaps you feel that your circumstances have made it different from other women. Possibly, you feel as if estivese alone with no one to help her find a cure.

Perhaps their emotional tension comes from the fact that you have been abused. Others took advantage of you and took the most dreadful way. You feel used and dirty. And you can think: How could anyone want a woman who was abused? However, you are dear. God loves you.

But God has already determined its necessity. He sees their pain and guilt. He knew that you would need someone to reach and lift. Realized that you had to know how important you are. It is impossible to know everything that was in God's mind when he looked at the broken humanity, but we can be sure that he looked beyond our broken hearts, our painful stories and our tendency to sin.

God met that need through Jesus Christ. He paid for his shame and paved the way for you to get clean again. He saw his desire to please others and feel good. When you accept Jeush becomes clear. And do not think you're alone - everyone faces the same struggles you face, showing that exteriomente or not.


God recognizes the possibility of what you can become. He has a plan and sees their potential. However, he also knows that his potential was trapped by its history. His sufferings have transformed it into a different woman from what the Lord originally had the intention that you were.

However, God in you know a Sarah, a woman by the stream, a Ruth. He knows that, hidden in his heart, there is a great woman who can do exploits in his name. And he wants this woman to be freed. The Lord wants the potential in you to be released so that you become the person he created it to be.


There is only one way to achieve your potential. He is calling you. God spiritually stimulate your heart and let you see that it moves in your life, if you answer their call.

power to liberate you in your faith. Dare to believe God will do what it said it would. Trust him, not yourself. Anyone who approaches Christ find freedom and healing. He will heal your wounds. Comfort you ~ and in his moments of despair. He will raise it.

Believe that He paid the price for your sin and guilt. Believe that He washed it and you have been purified. Believe that He will satisfy all your needs. Have faith that when the call, he will reward him and that his victory will come.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Jeush straighten the crooked places of her heart and become whole. When you allow him full access to all areas of your life, you will never again be such a broken person.

May the Lord bless each of you, restoring every corner of the soul, each one showing the value it has! With much affection, here are my hug!

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Long Does Strep Throat Take To Clear
