male gaze has these things, right? When they are also subjected to very little women they have the ability to enter alpha. Mentally isolate themselves from that time and space, as if they were immune to such Feminice.
And I tried this theory in practice on Saturday, when her boyfriend grabbed her arm and dragged pro Sahara, to spend the morning making shopping for a projetão that has to be ready by Saturday.
And a shop in 3 levels, between buttons, fabric, eyelets, glitter, ribbons and trims, I was walking slightly in front, chattering about my ideas: - "And if the ribbon is green? Green water right? Or green flag? Green water, definitely ... because it goes right with purple ink know? I will only need to brush ... know what would be the better for it? ". And it gives you blah blah blah ...
And amid this babble, here it manifests itself: -" Dude ... Doll takes those little feet ...".
mean not heard lhufas than I was talking about. And you know what? Just my luck, huh? For in the midst of my worries about bringing all that was in list, things that were out of it almost went unnoticed. And when he pointed to the bag with a dozen of feet of plastic doll ($ 6) at the time told him: "These little feet will come home with us." Inspiration goes hand in hand with me. Literally. :)
The rest I already had at home: a strip of wood, wrapping paper, a scrap of felt, screws and nuts.
still missing in the picture: a drill, a bit of clay, white glue and another "lady" glue (I used FixTudo)
The role of this was cut a little larger than the wood and glued with white glue diluted with water. The part that remained were stuck behind the lath. That's right, barely finished that way. Further ahead We'll fix this, right?
This party has no secret. Screw holes through. They pointed to the side will be lined. Then simply screw the nut. Molezinha.
The foot has to stay very firmly on the nail. Then fill each one with a bit of clay and stuck on the nails already caught the lath. But to strengthen further before setting foot on the nail, put a bit of super glue (FixTudo), especially in this area white plastic next to the clay. Got the point? I forgot to photograph this step. :)
Okay, now we were making it back, giving a face to more whimsical invention: felt stuck with very little glue. The hard work's being done by their own screws, which were above the retail.
Pronto! One more smiling to my place, at the entrance, to keep keys, amulets, scarves and what else goes on the tile.
Vai a rack there? :)
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