Today I woke up very sad. Hurt yourself. Disappointed with a situation that was not me directly. It was with a great friend. But I was wondering how people talk gossip .. .. invent calumnies. What a diabolical!
Most of us are well acquainted with the gossip - we've heard, spread and were victims of it. Rumors has a characteristic hazardous - People do not feel responsible for what they convey as rumor, and assign responsibility and damage becomes much more difficult.
Our conversations usually are filled with criticism. The Lord lists the gossip on the side of God's enemies, the faithless, and insolent of homicides (Rom 1.28-32). The Bible is clear about the damage (Proverbs 11:13, 16.28,18.6) and consequences of gossip and slander (Psalm 101.5; Proverbs 8:13, Matthew 12:36).
Waking today and do my devotions, I was reminded of the pearls. And the Lord spoke to my heart for making some of them.
So I share with you how much we learn from oysters.
The pearl is the result of entering a foreign substance, or a grain of sand inside the oyster shell that contains the. The inner shell is a shiny substance called nacre. When a grain of sand in it penetrates the cells of nacre go to work and recover the corn with several layers to protect the helpless body of the oyster.
As a result, a beautiful pearl is forming inside. An oyster which has never been injured not produce pearls, because the pearl is a healed wound.
you ever felt hurt by the unkind words of a friend? It has been accused having said things that did not I? His ideas and attitudes have been rejected or misunderstood? Then produce a pearl! Cover your hurts and rejections suffered, with layers and layers of love and forgiveness.
Unfortunately, there are few people who do not learn to cultivate resentment, and thus leave open wounds, feeding them with inferior feelings, not allowing skin to heal, and hence there are so many empty oyster!
Not because they have not been injured, but because they could not understand, forgive and transform pain into love. Fabriques pearls!
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