"The Lord ... had closed her womb. "- 1 Samuel 1:5
Sometimes the door opens only when you understand why, initially, it was closed. Reflect on the story of Hannah She wanted a child, but God wanted a prophet.
When Hannah prayed: "If You ... give me a son, to give the Lord all the days of your life ... "(1 Sam 1:11). God not only gave him Samuel, but also six more children (1 Sam 2:5). When you pray for a harvest, God will ask you to plant a seed. That seed may be something you love and to which want to grab, but do not do this - unlike, surrendered to God.
Ana found that only the will of God could satisfy her. Elkanah had two wives, but he loved Hannah more and left him "double portion" of their property (1 Sam 1:5). But when you're not doing what you know that God really called you to do, nothing will satisfy him, nor love of the people nor the love for material things.
People called by God are not only those who are in the pulpit! Ana was called to be a mother. You may be called to be secretary, teacher or landscaper. Discover what God has called you to do, and do it!
Finally, the desperation of Anna took her to her fate: "The Lord ... had closed her womb. " Why? To draw the attention of Anne, to draw it closer to you. Hard times mean that we reexamine our lives and seek God like never before.
Our emphasis changes from "Lo, what I want" to "Lord, what You want?" Then He blesses us, because "... He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" \u200b\u200b(Hebrews 11:6) .
need to understand that the blessings of God is better than God's blessings. The intimacy of God is the greatest need in our lives. God postpones the realization of our dreams to keep us close to him and teach us everything, without it, is nothing. God wants to teach us that it is better than your blessings. Our greatest pursuit is not of things but of God!
God makes all things in his time. You are in the hands of the living God. At the height of its crisis, Ana had a profound experience with Deus.Querida friend, not only seek God when you need it, Seek him always!