2010 is already finished, just missing days! And today I remembered the poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade in "New Year Revenue "
"To win a New Year
worth the name,
you, my dear, you have to earn it,
have to do it again, I know it's not easy, but
try, try conscious.
is within you that the New Year
dozing and wait forever. "
For some people the year 2010 may have been difficult and painful for some .. maravilhosos.Mas, we have 365 days ahead of us in we can see projects, dreams and visions old, finally being realized. For the vision is yet for an appointed time ... it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come and not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3). This word may seem paradoxical (if not tarry by ...) and a rather disconcerting , mainly because it speaks of the fulfillment of God's promises to us. And when it comes to seeing fulfilled promises we rush, does not it? But the Word tells us that even when our eyes to God's dreams have been slow to happen we must wait.
Even if you have already expected in 2008, 2009 and 2010, wait because it will surely come, and at the right time, because "He made all the appropriate things in due time" Ec 3:11
I share a text that builds me much, for your consideration this late 2010.
If you trusted God and walked down the path of Him, If you felt The guiding you every day, but now your steps take you another way, Start again .
If you made plans that did not work, if you tried to give their best and there is more to try, if you failed yourself without knowing why, Start again .
If you told your friends what planned to do, if you trusted them and they did not support him, If now you are alone and can only rely on yourself, Start again .
If you failed with your family, now If you is not so important to them, if they lost confidence in you, If you feel a stranger in her own home, Start again.
If you prayed to God, always respecting the will of Him, If you have prayed and prayed and still feel unhappy, if you want to stop feeling that reached its limit, Start again . If you're
sure it is finished and ready to give up, If you got to the bottom, if you've tried and tried and failed to rise, Start again .
If years go by so quickly and successes are few, if December arrives and you feel sad, God gives a new January you. Start again.
Starting over means victory,
I want to thank each friend who walked with me with the blog. That your 2011 be blessed, for you and your family !
I want to continue counting on you in 2011!
Love, Adriana Rangel
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