Here the Lord has exactly what found it necessary to say to you and me, quite explained, often repetitive, why not let doubts about anything. God opened his heart to us, used directly or figurative language, metaphors used to exemplify what I really wanted to say on some issues important, so therefore we all understood it better and more easily tell us what he wanted.
Well, dear, as he himself did, so that we also write a letter to the Lord? We could talk about everything that goes on inside us, our fears, desires, bad feelings, traumas, complex, hatreds, resentments, hurts, frustrations ... We could write a long letter and put out everything that has for years kept inside our minds and, consequently, in our hearts. Speaking of which do not heal wounds and prevent us from seeing grace in life. It is almost certain that we cry when writing, but no problem. The tears will water the paper are equally or more important than the words written there.
"Cast upon him all your worries because he cares for you." I Peter 5:7
the same letter, it would be interesting to tell your father something good, things we need to thank Him, to recognize its superiority over all, words of affection and gratitude about specific things that we've done and tell you how happy we are for it. Certainly be glad that with our gratitude! Who does not like the thought of what he does is pleasing to others and is still thankful for that, right? Ingratitude is worse and what to give to someone that we did something good, no matter how small the favor. It hurts deeply. Let's be direct, because God prefers so. We have to write plainly and without lies, because the Father is the most intimate, loving, and understanding that you have around and is attentive to everything. Do not try to fool you, because it does be possible.
the end, we can say what we hope for the future, ask you (all in the name of Jesus) what more do you want our hearts, even if it appears ludicrous to ask certain things. Set goals, do plans and a list of priorities for the coming year and put on paper for every little thing that God is aware of what really matters to us. After the letter ready, put it in an envelope, sealed well, kneel on the letter and spread it before God in prayer. Then we have to keep the letter in a safe place and always remember that, we present
I'll give you an important tip: Always be specific in what they ask of God, as God Himself teaches us in Mark 10:46-52
"Jesus went into the city of Jericho, when he passed by a blind man who cried
-" Have mercy on me and help me. " And Jesus asked him
- "What you want from me?" It was then that the blind man told him specifically:
- "Lord, I have seen." Then Jesus healed him. "
Notice that Jesus knew very well what the blind need, but Jesus only answered when he was specific, not when he said " Have mercy on me. "
1) Decide and be specific what we want from God.
2) Seek a Bible passage that promises you what you want to ask God.
3) Before you ask, meditate on these promises.
4) Make a prayer to the Father, in Jesus Name.
5) Believe that you receive the answer, when they prayed.
6) While waiting for the materialization of the request, praise God.
7) Refuse to doubt.
8) Continue to meditate on the biblical promises that he used.
I John 5:14-15 - "And this is the confidence we have in him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know we have the petitions that you did."
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