Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gaymen And Son Blogger

Karen in the area and Chileeeeeee

Night Chilean, not very good, but fun.
think what Brazilians can do in a Chilean ballad .... that even 8, we found another 4 boys and 2 girls in the hostel aki, perfect communication.

the ballads do not get here very early, so only left the hostel at midnight, but before we did one heats up right here: absolut (incredibly cheap here) with red bull wine.

first ballad that went, me and one girl (Flavia) were the guinea pigs to see what happens to her, meowing, with good sound ... naum decided to stay for it.

bora for a taxi and go to Pio Nono, a street full of ballads .. how many were in naum gave the same taxi, let in two ... naum so here they are very fond of having to take another taxi, we lost the first, but the Pio Nono (miraculously) find them.

go behind a ballad called Rockola (Rock already thought of), naum was nothing I thought, a kind of funk, a little more behaved and fun Let's drink

LOL !!!!!! lol have fun as hell watching the performance of the guys and mines on stage, I now understand why they like the Brazilian ... they dance very well rsrsrs naum

danced too much and zuamos the party for the girls until 14 o'clock in the morning .... for boys until much later

LOL Well, it will draw the roadmap for today.



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