is Christ who tells us these words.
found this sentence in the Song of Songs , which is a love song. It's not just a collection of songs composed by Solomon, but his name in the original (Shir Hashirim) indicates the magnitude of this song: "the most excellent song." So it's not any one song, but a chant sublime, perfect is the love song from Jesus to his Church and the Bride to her lover.
We used to sing praise and worship songs to God in churches, but imagine Jesus singing a love song for you! This is what happens in the Song, Jesus is declaring his love for his church in song, and the church are you and me.
In Chapter 6, we see the beloved saying this phrase to his beloved: "diverts your eyes from me because they disturb me" . What is God telling us in this verse? The word used in this disturbing verse in the original is the same used in Psalm 138.3: "encourage," which means to nurture, support, encourage, encourage, stimulate, excite ...
I believe God is telling us that whenever we take our eyes of the circumstances and set our eyes on him, HE IS DISTURBING, hurry, get excited, get the strength to act on our behalf and then he moves heaven and earth for us. When we fix our gaze on it, we are declaring our trust in him and those who trust the Lord can not be shaken, because this is his promise. When we look to the Lord, he moves, he leaves his place to act on our behalf, in our defense.
Imagine, God speaking to you this: "Hey, I do not look like that, because you shakes my structures, so you get me out of place ...!" This is terrible is not it? The Lord is always attracted by the look of his Church. When we look at it, arises in his heart in an urgent desire to respond, to respond to our wishes.
you ever stopped to think about what or whom you have been paying more attention? What are you watching now? And in times of crises, where you fix your gaze? You have paid more attention to the circumstances they say, to what men say to you or what God says in His Word? Where your eyes are? Have you felt weak shot, it seems that things do not happen? To what or to whom you have been paying attention? Who has devoted your attention?
The Lord tells us in Proverbs: "Heed my words!" other words, pay attention to my word, pay attention to me! Look at me! Do not look at what's around you, I'm the solution to your problem.
Learn to live according to the new life that Jesus won for you. And you can live with eyes fixed on him. Satan tries to divert our attention, but it need not do that, you can defeat you, God has given you authority to do that. Try putting your eyes on God in every situation.
May you grow more and more knowledge of God and intimacy with your beloved. You become increasingly irresistible to God, about to remove him from place to act on your behalf. Do not divert your gaze, do not take your focus from Jesus. The eyes are the Bride for the Bridegroom. The Lord has always given the opportunity to tell you: your eyes disturb me!
(for Maya and Claudia Josiany Sunshine)