weeks I've been watching the great need to promote our churches in a movement directed to the individual awareness for our edification. While we strive to bring pastors good food to our flock through preaching the Word and study, many people do not strive to understand what God is clearly speaking for themselves, and say "that message was not for me , went to the other, after all I am already a good example of Christian ". be mistaken to think so!
It is indispensable that we are always improving ourselves, seeking knowledge, praying and seeking a greater intimacy with God, asking Him to come clean on everything that makes us people without a genuine Christian character. Our character is related to who we are when nobody is looking. Our reputation, however, relates to our behavior as it is seen or perceived by others. "Good conduct" without a good character becomes hypocrisy.
It is true that many think is already walking as a man or woman of God must walk, many are confident that are "people of good character," but what everyone sees is not it. What does your family think about you? What do your friends, neighbors, bosses and pastors think about your character? God Knows What about your character? We need to constantly
a self-analysis about our self, in every sense, because you do not think we need to improve before the society, the family, the Church and God, is a very serious mistake. Of such, the word of God says in Ephesians 4:18 "darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, the hardness of his heart." (darkened or mean cover of darkness, dark, blind.) But the Lord God in his word, advises us how a real father who loves his son "... you put off the old man, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires" Ephesians 4:22.
have a Christian character is essential, and the evidence is in front of all our behavior. When a person is saved, there is evidence of salvation, everyone notices. If someone says, "I'm saved," but continues to lie, gossip, gossiping, to default, live immorally, being unruly to their pastors, etc., is very clear that is not safe and far from God. If you are saved, their behavior changes as evidence that something has changed inside - in the heart. We read in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "If anyone is in Christ is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold all things become new." If there is a change in behavior, then the heart has not changed, therefore does not have the character of Christ.
Change is needed and the time for change is now! Improvement is needed. Think about it.