Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Read Kate Cann Online

Ok ... it was combined

The bell rings, enter the warm, the money comes - and is never less than $ 30. Q lmost every night here at home is just in time for dinner.

These days I found myself questioning myself ... why ask loads of water food out often and pay dearly for it, when we fully appreciate that if we stop to invent something in the kitchen, anything would be much better. And when I say best, I say it MUCH better, because here both have a knack pras pans.

The response was quick to come to mind:
- Ah ... is faster, simpler, uncomplicated, does not mess ....

Then, I also thinking to myself that every lame excuse can follow this same type of answer, eh? Check it out ...

- Why do you keep that color as the wall until dead today?
- Ah ... is faster, simpler, uncomplicated, does not mess ....

- Why you ordered in time to make my birthday cake?
- Ah ... is faster, simpler, uncomplicated, does not mess ....

- Why were not with the puppy?
- Ah ... is faster, simpler, uncomplicated, does not mess ....

other words, I concluded that any excuse not to use this response should not be taken to seriously!

And it was the other night, we decided to let laziness aside and cook a dinner in carpicho, I decided to close a mix myself, I will No more paying for nothing I can do better on their own.

I tell you, boy ... this way of thinking opens up so many possibilities that the computer has finished among the mushrooms, shrimp and seasonings, to save all the ideas that arose between a braise and another.

But it was just looking around in kitchen in time to see where I should start: the so-gadgets-plastic door-without-life-without-color-without-no-salt- everything that is broken and one of the wheels for a while. Every day I look at it and think: I need to buy a new ...

Man, without detracting from the designer who designed this object as functional ... clapping for him. But, to my need, which is keeping my temperinhos and other lumber in the kitchen, I can do better, spending less money. And that's what I tried to do, O just ...

Box fair. Ah ... Box fair. Look it here again as the protagonist of the project ...

This time I asked for help with a professional cabinetmaker and told Buddy to stick to 4 feet of wood for me. Only he took the model "stick" too seriously and it was to be a table leg was almost an indigenous weapon. I solved the problem by sanding (a lot) that the sharp end.

The annoying part of the project and sweaty: sand - a lot - the whole box. Screen time ... Count!

Two layers of spray paint his feet ...

... PVA and acrylic paint to make a funny, since I decided not to paint the box not to lose these beautiful stamps on the side .

holes in the box and little hole in the foot, using a drill. Quiet that part, huh?

To give more stability, the front feet were more open than the hind feet, you know?

And stand broken new stand gave way to spice kitchen:

Ah ... and such dinner, responsible for all this! Pasta with mushrooms, shrimp, brie and arugula. To follow, a Carmenère geladinho, why start up a week so give extra encouragement, eh?

Dinner + fancy new coffee table, my way, without spending too much and that nobody does it better - at least for that price.

Ok combined? If you do best, what to buy?


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